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Candidate Screening: Navigating the Differences Between Employment Verifications and Professional Reference Verifications

Written by TCWGlobal | Oct 30, 2023 4:14:17 PM

Employment Verifications vs. Professional Reference Verifications 

A question that is presented to the TCWGlobal prescreening department frequently is: What is the difference between an employment verification versus a professional reference verification?

These verifications are similar in a way but serve different purposes and include different aspects of a candidate’s work history and details on their work experience.


What is an employment verification?

Employment verification is a search where a company will verify the accuracy of the start and end date, job title, reason for leaving or any other detailed comments related to the employee.  

Majority of companies do verifications through a work number. A work number is an automated service where it will provide the general info in an employment verification.

In the process of the employment verification, the company or a third-party provider will contact the former employer listed to confirm that the information the candidate listed is legitimate. This process will help ensure that the information that is reflected on the candidate’s resume matches their actual work history.


Why is this important?

This is to ensure that this candidate is being truthfully honest and if anything has been left out during this recruitment process.


What is a professional reference verification?

A reference verification is where a company will connect with who the candidate provided as their references to confirm the candidate’s previous work ethics, performance levels, and interpersonal skills.

A professional reference is usually someone that the candidate has previously worked with at a prior job, a professional mentor, or an old manager.


Why is it important?

This is done directly with the provided reference where the company will prepare a list of specific questions to verify your work ethics.

Why are background checks important for companies

One of the main reasons why companies should run background checks is to help reduce the risk of criminal activities or violence happening in a workplace.

Hiring the wrong person could be a costly mistake in some cases. Performing a background check is the company’s opportunity to verify the information provided by the candidate that has been extended a conditional offer and confirm they will be a good fit for the role.

It can also reveal information that can confirm how long they worked in their previous workplace or when they graduated. By performing these pre-employment screenings, a company can promote a safe and profitable workplace. Prescreening is a useful risk management tool that has been proven to reduce bad hires.


Here are the top few reasons on why it’s important to have a background check ran:

  • Quality workers
  • Safe workplace
  • Confirming employee’s honesty
  • Reduce turnovers
  • Reduce company’s liability

What are some checks that are apart of a pre-employment screening?

  • Criminal History
  • Drug Screening
  • Credit Checks
  • Employment Verification
  • Education Verification
  • Driving Records
  • License/Certificate Verifications

What are the usual steps of a background check process?

  1. Offer gets sent to candidate
  2. Disclosure/Consent needs to be signed
  3. Screening process starts based on information provided by individual
  4. Company reviews results of prescreening to check that everything is good to go


Final Thoughts

Understanding the distinction between employment verifications and professional reference verifications is pivotal when making informed hiring decisions. At TCWGlobal, we prioritize the accuracy and integrity of your hiring process.

Our commitment to thorough pre-employment screenings, including employment verifications, professional reference checks, and various other crucial checks, ensures that you're not only selecting the most qualified candidates but also minimizing potential risks for your organization. 

With a focus on quality workers, a safe workplace, employee honesty, reduced turnovers, and decreased liability, TCWGlobal empowers your company to build a secure and prosperous future. 

Don't hesitate to take the next step in enhancing your hiring process by reaching out to TCWGlobal today. Call us or schedule an appointment, and let us help you make the right choices for your workforce and business success. Your peace of mind is just a call away.