Dominican republic
There are no official subcategories of Workers in the Dominican Republic,
Fixed-term contracts are permitted in the Dominican Republic, but they must be necessary for the nature of the service, to temporarily replace a Worker on leave, or if it suits the interest of the Worker. If for a valid reason, there are no limits on the length of the fixed term contract or how many times it may be renewed. However, if set up because it suits the interest of the Worker, it will automatically be deemed indefinite if the Worker continues working past the noted end date.
During the first three months, an employment contract may be terminated without imposing any obligations on the employer.
Workers recognize 12 paid public holidays in the Dominican Republic. If a Worker is required to work on a public holiday, it must be compensated with an additional half day's salary.
After one year of service, Workers are entitled to 14 paid working days of vacation (which increases after five years of service). The vacation period may be split, but at least one week must be taken at a time. Accrued but unused leave carries over year to year and must be paid at the conclusion of the employment relationship..
There is no mandatory paid sick leave. Workers are compensated via social security during periods of illness after the fourth day.
A standard workweek is generally 8 hours per day or 44 hours per week, but less so for dangerous or unhealthy work. It must include one hour of rest. Night work is compensable at 115%.
Overtime may only be permitted if essential to business operations. It may not exceed 80 hours per quarter and must be paid at an agreed-upon premium. Managers and employer representatives are exempt from working time regulations.
A Christmas bonus is required in the Dominican Republic to be paid in December.
Termination requires good cause, notice, and a Worker certificate. The certificate must state various details about the employment and be provided to the Department of Labor within 48 hours of the dismissal. The notice required depends on length of service: 0 - 6 months of service: 7 days' notice; 6 months - 1 year of service: 14 days' notice; and 1+ year of service: 28 days' notice. If it is found that there was not good cause to terminate, the Worker will be entitled to severance.
Workers must provide at least 30 days' notice of resignation.
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