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How to Hire Workers in Norway | Employer of Record (EOR) in Norway

Looking to establish your business in Norway? Our EOR services provide expert guidance on local employment regulations, ensuring a smooth entry into this market. We handle all aspects of local employment, from managing payroll to navigating complex labor laws, allowing you to focus on your core business. With our support, you can confidently expand your business into Norway, knowing that you have a trusted partner managing your international employment needs.

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Norway, known for its stunning fjords, strong economy, and high standard of living, is an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand internationally. TCWGlobal serves as your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of hiring in Norway, offering comprehensive solutions for building your contingent workforce.

With a population of over 5.4 million people, Norway boasts a highly skilled and educated workforce. From the vibrant city life of Oslo to the rugged beauty of the Lofoten Islands, the country offers a unique blend of culture and nature.

When expanding your business into Norway, compliance with local regulations is crucial. TCWGlobal, as your employer of record, ensures that your contingent workforce is fully compliant, minimizing risks for your organization.

In addition to compliance, TCWGlobal provides personalized services tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require assistance with payrolling management, benefits administration, or any other aspect of HR, our team is dedicated to supporting you.

Partnering with TCWGlobal guarantees a seamless and successful expansion into Norway. Our expertise and local knowledge make us the ideal partner for businesses looking to establish a contingent workforce in this dynamic market.
Worker Classifications

In Norway, managers and others hired in an especially independent position may be exempt from various rules including working time regulations.

Fixed-Term Contracts

Fixed-term contracts are permitted only in limited circumstances where the work is of a temporary nature. Fixed-term contracts are permitted fora maximum of 12 months at a time. They can be renewed, but the total contract cannot exceed three years. After that point, the Worker can claim permanent employee status. It is very difficult for employers to terminate employment contracts in Norway, even if a fixed-term contract.

Probationary Periods

Probationary periods are permitted for up to six months. During a probationary period, only 14 days' notice of termination is required so long as there is valid cause (e.g. misconduct) and an adequate amount of formal warnings and discussions prior to the termination. Notice begins the day it is received by the Worker during the probationary period. Workers are owed all benefits.


Workers in Norway recognize 12 paid public holidays. Work performed on a public holiday must be paid at 200%.-New Year's Day-Maundy Thursday-Good Friday-Easter-Easter Monday-Labour Day-Constitution Day-Ascension Day-Whit Sunday-Whit Monday-Christmas Day-2nd Christmas Day/St. Stephen's DayWork on a public holiday and Sundays are not permitted unless required by the nature of the work being performed. Additional compensation or compensatory rest days will be required. 


Workers are entitled to 25 working days of paid vacation each year (more for Workers over the age of 60). Accrued but unused leave must be paid at the end of the employment.

Sick Leave

Workers may take three consecutive days of paid sick leave up to four times each year without producing a medical certificate. If a medical certificate is provided, the Worker is entitled to pay from the employer for the first 16 calendar days of injury / illness. After that point, the government takes over responsibility for payment ("daily sickness benefit"). Workers may be off for injury or illness for up to 52 weeks. Workers are also entitled to paid leave to care for a sick child up to their 12th birthday.

Working Hours

A standard workweek is Monday through Friday. 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week inclusive of a 1-hour unpaid meal break. Normal working hours may not exceed 9 hours per day or 40 hours per week. Work on Sundays is not permitted unless necessitated by the nature of the work. ANy work performed on a weekend or on a holiday should be compensated at 200%.


Work in excess of the agreed upon standard hours is considered overtime and should only occur when there is an exceptional and time-limited need for it. Overtime must be paid at 140% at minimum. Overtime must work must not exceed 10 hours per 7 days, 25 hours per 4 consecutive weeks, or 200 hours per 52 weeks.

Mandatory Bonuses

There is a vacation allowance due in June of each year.


Unilateral termination of employment by an employer is very difficult in Norway. It requires valid cause and a formal process including at least three formal and written warnings plus a discussion of notice meeting (drøftelsesmøte) prior to giving official notice. Termination must be in writing. Notice begins on the 1st day of the month following the notice meeting. The length of notice then depends on the Worker's age and length of service. If terminated for redundancy, the Labour and Welfare Administration must be notified.


Workers must provide notice of resignation as outlined in their employment contract, which is generally 14 days during the probationary period and one to three months after the probationary period.

Other End of Employment Rules

Even where a position is no longer needed, termination of an employment contract is very difficult and complex. However, it is possible to end an employment agreement due to objectively justified circumstances relating to the operation of the business.

How an EOR Can Help You Win Fast

TCWGlobal stands unmatched as the leading employer of record service provider. Our global reach, expertise in diverse industries, and commitment to client satisfaction makes us the best choice. Looking for a global employer of record or international payrolling partner that will work with you and not for you? Trust TCWGlobal. We are here for you.

Common Pitfalls in Choosing an EOR

When choosing an Employer of Record (EOR) service, people often make mistakes such as overlooking compliance, global reach, technology integration, company experience, and fee transparency. Watch this video to see what to consider when picking an EOR.