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Blog Category // remote workforce management

What is an Employer of Record - A Guide to National and Global Hiring

Expanding across the country or internationally offers businesses the opportunity to tap into new markets and access a ...

6 Tips to Avoid Surprise Costs When Ending an International Employment Contract: A Guide for U.S. Employers

Hiring a new team member is an exciting experience for any organization! First, this new hire will likely fill a need on the ...

Remote Work Trends: What to Expect in 2024

Remote work is dealing with a PR problem. Once synonymous with working from pajamas and coffee shop hopping, it’s now at the ...

The Top Remote Work Trends for the Next Decade

The remote work revolution has drastically reshaped our professional landscape. As we look forward, several emerging trends ...

How Does an Employer of Record and Payrolling Service Help you Manage Restructuring, Downsizing, and Employment Law Compliance?

Question of The Day In the event that our company undergoes restructuring or downsizing, how does your employer of record ...

What is Strategic Workforce Planning

Why Businesses Need Strategic Workforce Planning Modern businesses constantly experience fluctuations in their workforce ...

How to Handle Remote Workers Returning Equipment

New Amendments to Illinois Day and Temporary Labor Services Act: Implications for Staffing Agencies Employing Day or Temporary Workers and Their Clients

Implications of the Latest Changes to the Illinois Day and Temporary Labor Services Act for Staffing Agencies and Clients ...

What is a Direct Report?

So you've been asking, what is a direct report?

Benefits of Contract Labor Versus Normal Workforce

Benefits of Contract Labor Versus Normal Workforce What You Need to Know

Why Being Compliant Is Better Than “Saving Money” Every Time!

Beware of an EOR service that sounds too good to be true. UPDATE July 28, 2023 U.S. REP. ADAM SCHIFF URGES DEPT. OF LABOR TO ...

Best Ways to Prepare for Retirement as a Freelancer

Retirement planning can be complicated, but it’s necessary for everyone – especially for freelancers who may not have the ...